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Wollongong Botanic Garden

If you’re planning a trip to Keiraville, New South Wales, Australia, be sure to check out the Wollongong Botanic Garden. Rated the number one place to visit by travelers on Tripadvisor, this garden offers a wide range of activities and experiences. The garden is a natural habitat for a wide variety of native animals and plants. While you’re there, check out the local weather forecast for more details. You can visit this amazing attraction at 40 Murphys Ave, Keiraville NSW 2500.

Moovit is a transit app that makes it easy to find the fastest directions and most convenient routes to get to Wollongong Botanic Garden in Keiraville, NSW. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to find the best train, bus, or taxi times for your journey. Over 930 million users trust Moovit to help them find the best routes and travel times. A fantastic read

Moovit is the best way to find the best routes and prices for buses, trains, and taxis from 32 Robsons Rd, Keiraville. Moovit also shows you which buses stop near your destination – the nearest is SCO. With over 930 million users worldwide, Moovit can help you find the cheapest and most time-efficient routes to Wollongong Botanic Garden Keiraville NSW.

The Wollongong Botanic Garden is a 30 hectare site located in Keiraville, New South Wales. The garden features a huge collection of plants, and has activities for the whole family to enjoy. There are guided walks, community workshops, and even sunset cinema screenings. You’ll definitely come away from your visit with a new appreciation of nature’s wonders.

This enchanting garden is perfect for families, with numerous plant collections, an all-abilities play area, a duck pond, and a picnic area. There are many ways to spend the day, from the relaxing shade of a tree to exploring hidden treasures. You can also spot a wide range of wildlife at Wollongong Botanic Garden, including Bower Birds, native bees, and Ring Tail Possums. The garden also boasts one of the largest rainforest collections in Australia, with a range of native species from the Illawarra Rainforest. Kids will also enjoy the playground for all levels and the duck pond, as well as a range of nature-based school holiday activities.

A beautiful 30-hectare garden in the heart of Keiraville, Wollongong Botanic Gardens are free to visit and feature an impressive collection of plants. The site was first occupied by the local Aboriginal people, who remain the Custodians of the Land. In the 1880s, European settlers began using the site for farming. In 1929, the Hoskins family purchased the property and built a home, Gleniffer Brae. The home still stands today in the Garden.

Visitors can feed the ducks at the rotunda at the center of the garden. Visitors can purchase corn or peas at the Garden Grounds Cafe, or bring their own approved feeding option. There are also two book libraries near the Flowering Trees and Shrubs collection. The garden also offers free barbecues. It is one of the top attractions in Wollongong. Learn more

The Wollongong Botanic Garden was established in the 1960s and opened to the public in 1970. It contains themed areas such as the azalea bank and woodland garden. The Go Slow for Mo trail encourages visitors to experience nature and wildlife in a meaningful way. The trail leads visitors through seven sensory exercises and simple actions that encourage them to connect with nature.

Throughout the garden, you can get up close to native wildlife including Koalas and Bower Birds. The Garden of Eden also has one of the largest rainforest collections in Australia, featuring a wide variety of Illawarra Rainforest species. During school holidays, the Garden hosts events and guided tours. During the day, the garden is open to the public for free. Visitors are encouraged to bring hats and sunscreen.

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